I am Tuire Siiriainen, a Finnish children’s book illustrator and layout designer living in Toulouse, France.
My work has ranged from children's fiction and school books to all kinds of kids' activity products, including puzzles, activity books, flash cards and novelty books.
I work 100% digitally—my everyday tools are Adobe CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) and Wacom Cintiq.
My work has ranged from children's fiction and school books to all kinds of kids' activity products, including puzzles, activity books, flash cards and novelty books.
I work 100% digitally—my everyday tools are Adobe CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) and Wacom Cintiq.
I hold a BA degree from Ecole Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc Liège, Belgium (2015).
For project inquiries, please contact: tuire.illustrations (at) gmail.com
For project inquiries, please contact: tuire.illustrations (at) gmail.com
Published work
Häntähoiva ja poloinen pentu (2024, Karisto, FI)
Häntähoiva ja pikkuinen siili (2023, Karisto, FI)
Häntähoiva ja mahatautinen marsu (2021, Karisto, FI)
Aamos ja jälkien arvoitus (2020, Oppi&ilo, FI)
Häntähoiva ja kavala Kisu (2020, Karisto, FI)
Häntähoiva ja Pätkä (2020, Karisto, FI)
Aalto 1 ja 4 -ympäristöopin tehtäväkirja, ala-aste (Otava, FI)
primary environmental studies, school exercise book
primary environmental studies, school exercise book
Omat katselukorttini (Oppi&ilo, FI)
baby flash cards
baby flash cards
Masuhetki -katseluseinä (Oppi&ilo, FI)
foldable baby picture wall
foldable baby picture wall
Aalto 3 -ympäristöopin tehtäväkirja, ala-aste (Otava, FI)
primary environmental studies, school exercise book
primary environmental studies, school exercise book
Aventureros 1 -espanjan oppikirja, ala-aste (Sanoma Pro, FI)
primary Spanish, school book
primary Spanish, school book
Poikaset piilossa -dominopeli (Oppi&ilo, FI)
dominoes card game
dominoes card game
Oma helistinkirjani -ensikirja (Oppi&ilo, FI)
baby board book
baby board book
HASSUT NASSUT -palapelikirja (Oppi&ilo, FI)
puzzle book
puzzle book
Pyyhittävä Koulua kohti -puuhakirja (Oppi&ilo, FI)
activity book
activity book
Taikamaalaus HUPSUT PENNUT (Oppi&ilo, FI)
magic coloring book
magic coloring book
Nokkelat numerot -puuhakortit (Oppi&ilo, FI)
activity cards set
activity cards set
Kuuntelen ja opin englantia -kuvasanakirja (Oppi&ilo, FI)
English words sound book
English words sound book
Mainiot aakkoset -puuhakortit (Oppi&ilo, FI)
activity cards set
activity cards set
Taikamaalaus KIRJAVAT KIRJAIMET (Oppi&ilo, FI)
magic coloring book
magic coloring book
Sanahaaste-puuhakortit (Oppi&ilo, FI)
activity cards set
activity cards set
Pyyhittävä Reitit ja sokkelot (Oppi&ilo, FI)
maze activity book
maze activity book
Maalaa vedellä SUOMEN LUONTO (Oppi&ilo, FI)
magic coloring book
magic coloring book
Pyyhittävä Ensimmäiset aakkoset (Oppi&ilo, FI)
alphabet activity book
alphabet activity book
Puuharetki-puuhakortit (Oppi&ilo, FI)
activity cards set
activity cards set
Taikamaalaus ILOISET ARVOITUKSET (Oppi&ilo, FI)
magic coloring book
magic coloring book
Metsän eläimet (Oppi&ilo, FI)
book and puzzle set
book and puzzle set
Hoksaa tunteet! -peli (Oppi&ilo, FI)
board game
board game
Taikamaalaus PIILOSILLA (Oppi&ilo, FI)
magic coloring book
magic coloring book
Baby's First Words / Colors / Numbers (MultiKiddo, USA)
baby book set
baby book set
Ystävien lukukirja, ala-aste (Sanoma Pro, FI)
primary Finnish, school text book
primary Finnish, school text book
Taikamaalaus HASSUT KAVERIT (Oppi&ilo, FI)
magic coloring book
magic coloring book
Maalaa vedellä MAATILA (Oppi&ilo, FI)
magic coloring book
magic coloring book
Älypähkinät-puuhakortit (Oppi&ilo, FI)
activity cards set
activity cards set
Veikeät piirrospuuhat-puuhakortit (Oppi&ilo, FI)
activity cards set
activity cards set
3 very important things about me
The hill I'm ready to die on
Fruit on pizza. Any fruit, anyday. Pear—yesssir. Strawberries—throw'em on. Pineapple—thank you, Canada!
The coolest animal
Dragons! An animal that flies and breaths fire. And in one universe, one of them has Sean Connery's voice.
My nostalgic trigger
The sound of texting—with buttons.
Fruit on pizza. Any fruit, anyday. Pear—yesssir. Strawberries—throw'em on. Pineapple—thank you, Canada!
The coolest animal
Dragons! An animal that flies and breaths fire. And in one universe, one of them has Sean Connery's voice.
My nostalgic trigger
The sound of texting—with buttons.
Tuire Illustrations // N° SIRET: 902632322 00027 // Code APE: 9003A
All artwork copyright © 2019-2025 Tuire Illustrations All Rights Reserved (unless otherwise mentioned)
All artwork copyright © 2019-2025 Tuire Illustrations All Rights Reserved (unless otherwise mentioned)